Software Developer with strong core knowledge about web standards and best practices. Proficient in the most popular web stacks, now focusing mainly on server side rendering solutions. Passionate about Internet of Things devices and AI solutions.

Frontend Developer

From 11.2021 to present at

  • - Leading a UI development team of 5 to deliver a new B2B portal for the client.
  • - Creating an architecture allowing the application to be deployed in more than 90 versions.
  • - Improving website accessibility by following the WCAG guidelines.
  • - Implementing user-friendly interfaces, driving millions of dollars in additional revenue.

Junior Frontend Developer

From 10.2019 to 11.2021 at

  • - Supporting the development of web applications (SPAs).
  • - Implementing UI designs in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (React.js).
  • - Collaborating on feature development and troubleshooting.
  • - Participating in regular daily meetings with an international team.

Software Development Trainer

From 11.2020 to present at Software Development Academy

  • - Leading an extensive array of courses and training sessions focused on modern web technologies and frameworks.
  • - Demonstrating knowledge in Agile practices, specifically Scrum methodology.
  • - Maintaining a track record of leading group projects and providing mentorship.
  • - Showcasing adeptness in version control systems, particularly GIT.

Automation Engineer

From 02.2018 to 06.2019 at Paigo

  • - Specializing in designing and implementing home automation systems using Z-wave protocol tailored to clients' needs.
  • - Representing the company at international trade fairs and showcasing excellent communication competency.
  • - Conducting technical training sessions and system presentations with proficiency.
  • - Possessing valuable experience in creating prototypes based on IoT devices


Portfolio Monitoring for Private equity

Real-time portfolio monitoring and data management, giving you greater clarity and control over your investments.

Digital Assembly Manuals for Factories

Application for digitalization of assembly manuals in factories. I supported the front-end team in building new functionalities and and repaired existing bugs.

Learning Portal for Aviation Client

Web portal which goal was to display portfolio of client’s products/projects. Solution was based on GatsbyJS with XLS files as data source (client’s requirement).

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Vue
  • Lit
  • Svelte & SvelteKit
  • Astro
  • TypeScript
  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • AmCharts
© 2024 Michał Nowak